Marino Formenti, piano
Marino Formenti, piano. Photo by Alessandro Cavana. download

Performance art by Marino Formenti

Buenos Aires’ Teatro Colón invited pianist and conductor Marino Formenti for a month-long residency which took place this past March. Unable to decide which of the suggested projects to present, the artistic direction invited Marino to mount all three of his current ground-breaking projects in various locations of the newly refurbished and designed Theater. “Nowhere” (an intimate performance in which he plays piano in a public space, exploring a broad range of repertoire as the audience explores the space from any vantage they wish) took place in the Centro de Experimentación, the Sala del CETC from 10am to 10pm for six straight days; “Time to Gather” (an on stage concurrence between Marino Formenti and spectator, who decide what he will play next) was held in the main hall of the Teatro Colón and “One to One” (a musical encounter of two to 10 hours for one spectator at a time) happened in various casual locations.

A taste of “Nowhere” at Teatro Colón

Immediately after the March residency, Marino traveled from Buenos Aires for another week of “Nowhere” in a specially designed installation at the Gulbenkian Foundation during the arts biennial BoCA in Lisbon, Portugal. Enjoy the following videos of the building of the space and discussion with the artist, Ricardo Jacinto.

Enjoy the recorded stream of Formenti discussing “Nowhere” in Lisbon, here.